What Is Data Science?

Data science is a field which uses mathematical techniques to extract useful information from vast amounts of data. It can fundamentally alter the way companies compete and operate. It’s an area of study that draws on multiple disciplines such as computer programming, statistics, machine learning algorithms, and domain knowledge. The professionals who are involved in it need excellent technical skills as well as the ability to communicate with their stakeholders.

Data scientists are constantly curious and always on the lookout for new information. They are problem-solvers who employ their imagination and ingenuity to discover solutions that have a positive impact. The top data scientists don’t work for money, but are driven by their intellectual curiosity.

The field of data science encompasses many processes, from collecting and preparing data, to conducting different analyses and delivering the results in useful forms for business decisions. Its tools and methods are constantly changing.

Data preparation involves aggregating, standardizing and transforming raw data into a manageable data set that can be analyzed. Data visualization is the process of presenting the data as graphs or charts for easy understanding.

Data science is based on statistical models, which is used to find patterns and trends that can then be analysed to predict outcomes. For instance, shipping company UPS employs data science-based models to optimize routes and prevent delays caused by traffic, weather or construction. Services for streaming like Spotify and Netflix use data science to learn about your preferences and suggest music or shows that you’ll love.


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