Our partner, Tenxhealth Technologies wins the Rising Star Award at the 9th Transforming Healthcare with IT (THIT) conference

We are elated to announce that our partner, Tenxhealth Technologies has been awarded the Rising Star Award at […]
IoT in healthcare – The boom is higher than ever now

IoT technology is gaining great traction in various industry sectors these days. One of the sectors in which i […]
The demand for IoT enabled healthcare is on the rise

The usage of the IoT in healthcare has sharply increased across various specific Internet of Things use cases. […]
Pinmicro, Japan partners with Tenxhealth Technologies, India to build advanced RTLS patient care solutions in healthcare

Kochi, India, January 7, 2019: We are happy to announce the signing of our new technology partnership with Ten […]
Revamping healthcare system in hospitals – IoT enabled monitoring devices

Beacon technology is positively impacting both individuals and enterprises, across diverse industries. In the […]
IoT enabled health monitoring wearables are transforming the healthcare industry

IoT technology has impacted various industries and had left its mark wherever it has been implemented. The imp […]