
こんにちは!今回は、正確な屋内位置情報の取得に関して、Bluetooth 5.1を使用したAoA(Angle Of Arrival: 到達角度)方式についてご紹介したいと思います。 ビジネスリソース(従業員/資 […]
Calculate the exact time spent by your employees within office space !!

How do you calculate the time spent by your employees within your office space? If it is the traditional logbo […]
Real time information of occupancy in office premises !!

Consider a scenario wherein you are given the task to arrange a team meeting with your fellow team members. Th […]
A new way to enhance security within your office space!!

‘Security’ is a matter of prime concern in any organization irrespective of it being small or large. How would […]
Here is a new way towards attendance management in your office!!

How does your company record the attendance of employees? There are many ways to do the same. The most traditi […]