Real time information of occupancy in office premises !!

Consider a scenario wherein you are given the task to arrange a team meeting with your fellow team members. Th […]
A new way to enhance security within your office space!!

‘Security’ is a matter of prime concern in any organization irrespective of it being small or large. How would […]
Here is a new way towards attendance management in your office!!

How does your company record the attendance of employees? There are many ways to do the same. The most traditi […]
Travel guide in your pocket!!

If you are planning to go for a tour with your family or friends, to a place of your choice, a place that you […]
Bring your customers !! Proximity marketing and coupon delivery

If your shop is located at, not so easily accessible parts of a shopping Mall, there are chances that you may […]
The guide for you in a Shopping Mall!!: Indoor navigation

Suppose you are planning to visit a Shopping Mall which was recently opened. The place is so crowded. How easi […]
Solutions that serve your needs!!

With mobile phones and other wireless devices taking over the world, marketing strategies have also gone consi […]
Welcome to the world of Best RTLS platform.

Technology has spread its wings in such a fashion that it has allowed many innovations to sow and prosper. The […]
Sticker beacons are here!!

Beacons are normally small devices and they are able to emit tiny radio signals. BeaconPlus beacons come in ni […]
BeaconPlus beacons are iBeacon certified!!

iBeacon certification is given to only those devices which meet the criterions specified under ‘Made for iPhon […]